Three for one is a magical number!

Waterfront Charters love families; having children aboard on our cruises makes them that much more special. There is magic in a child’s laugh, there is wonder in their smiles. We also know that having kids can make life just that much more expensive when families are on holiday, or just looking to celebrate a special occasion.

Waterfront Charters love families; having children aboard on our cruises makes them that much more special. There is magic in a child’s laugh, there is wonder in their smiles. We also know that having kids can make life just that much more expensive when families are on holiday, or just looking to celebrate a special occasion.

That is where V&A Waterfront’s prestigious Waterfront Charters amazing 3 for 1 Special comes into play. Any adult travelling aboard a Waterfront Charters Motor Coastal Cruise gets up to two children under 17 for free. Yup, free, gratis, for nothing. This is an offer not be missed. It’s available at all times from the beginning of April until the end of September, and during the rest of the year on all weekends, public holidays and school holidays – exactly when you need it, in other words.

All you have to do when booking is to use the special codes ‘Firstkidfree’ and ‘Secondkidfree’ (it took us ages to work out those secret cyphers) and voila! your children get free passage on our Coastal Motor Cruises. It’ll be worth it. Seeing Cape Town from the Atlantic is a treat that leaves most adults awe-inspired; for youngsters it’s an absolutely special moment in their lives.

Spring is blooming – take advantage of the balmy days and book a Waterfront Charters Motor Coastal Cruise for the whole family – it’s special, and we really look forward to meeting you all.

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