Give Your Staff a Sea Change!

Our range of boats and chartering options lends itself to any form of team incentive or seminar. From the elegant motor propelled catamaran Sea Princess, which can host up to 140 people in comfort, through our smaller but equally attractive catamarans Enigma and Serenity One that can take groups of up to 45 people.

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”

Henry David Thoreau

Motivation. The reason for people’s actions, willingness and goals. Motivation is the magical essence that lies behind everything we do, whether it is a regular chore that is motivated by pure need, or an unusual action that requires courage or initiative. Motivation is the word that every manager of every company on the planet will use to get his or her staff moving: finding that ingredient that will drive every person to want to achieve better results; sell more product; invest more of themselves in their work.

This is why there are so many different motivational seminars, books, formulae, action plans and ideas floating around the market. They range from financial incentives to the good old-fashioned ‘meet your target; keep your job’ approach. (Both work, we might add. Sometimes a combination of the two is perfect.) At Waterfront Charters we don’t pretend to have the magical formula that will instantly inspire your sales and admin teams; but what we do have are the perfect venues to get your teams together.

And in that word ‘team’ lies the first step. Once a group of individuals have started functioning as a team, you have the foundations of success in place. And what better place to pull a team together than aboard a chartered luxury boat: a team gathered in one place – not another run-of-the-mill conference room; an exciting moving venue that delights while it keeps the group together. The choice of motivational material is yours: you’ll have a captive audience, but one that is thrilled by the process. We can provide the necessary equipment for presenters; the seminar or lecture, speech or presentation can be given exactly as intended, but in an environment that keeps the group focussed. Combined with awards, rewards, incentives: whatever you utilise to show appreciation, a corporate event that is an offshore cruise is designed to not only capture the staff’s imagination but also show that management is willing to go the extra mile.

Our range of boats and chartering options lends itself to any form of team incentive or seminar. From the elegant motor propelled catamaran Sea Princess, which can host up to 140 people in comfort, through our smaller but equally attractive catamarans Enigma and Serenity One that can take groups of up to 45 people. If your motivational ideas incorporate activity, add exciting speedboat trips, or a trip aboard Esperance, our iconic twin-masted schooner. Whatever your ideas and plans, Waterfront Charters will work with you to put together a package that will leave your teams motivated and proud to be part of an innovative company. From two hour cruises to full-day events: the choice is yours. With catering options available your teams won’t go hungry or thirsty either.

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” Henry David Thoreau 1817 – 1862, American essayist, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, and historian. If anybody could speak with knowledge on motivation, it was Thoreau. Kick start your staff’s imaginative processes through a stunning sea adventure: a combination of thrills, learning, motivation and inspiration. It’s a winning formula!

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