“This day, Time winds th’ exhausted chain,
Robert Burns: New Year’s Day, (1790)
To run the twelvemonth’s length again.”
It’s 2020! A New Year, a new decade, and a wealth of opportunities abound for those willing to grab them. We wish all our clients – past, present and future – a happy, prosperous year ahead, and look forward to greeting all friends, old and new, aboard our beautiful boats.
As 2019 wound up to a final flurry before segueing into the next decade, at Waterfront Charters all systems were – and are – operating at full tilt. Whilst the rest of the working world settled down to enjoy the holidays – and make the most of opportunities presented by travel, touring, exploring and visiting – we were gearing up for our busiest time of the year. And we have to say at this juncture: we love it. Waterfront Charters have been operating from the V&A Waterfront since the early nineties of last century (that makes it feel like a long, long time ago!) and we have grown and expanded over the almost three decades to remain the V&A’s most celebrated cruise company. Our vessels have increased with the years too, and we have constantly expanded our range of cruises and options to ensure that all visitors to beautiful Cape Town are able to book a cruise that will suit their heart’s desire. Our cruise parameters are very broad too: it’s important to note that within the name of the company lies one of our most important aspects – the chartering of any of our boats. We are nothing if not innovative, and work with clients to ensure that any event, product launch or special occasion is designed and sailed with maximum pleasure and efficiency in mind.

Our scheduled cruises have also expanded to meet the changing needs of our guests too; for years our sunset cruises have been adding a sparkle – literally and figuratively – to the lives of those who board our luxury boats to sip sparkling wine and revel in the ever-changing wonder that is an Atlantic sunset. We are now looking at the other end of the day: the crisp mornings that offer amazing views of the sun rising at the opposite point of the compass. With a choice between relaxed – and delicious – Prosecco cruises that add tantalising bubbles to the morning, and more adventurous rides aboard our powerful RIB’s for beaming guests to look out for ocean wildlife and feel the spindrift in their hair.
Harassed business people have found that our midday options are a perfect antidote to stress too: our one hour Sailing in the Bay excursions aboard the iconic twin-masted Schooner Esperance are increasingly popular. If it’s a choice between a landlocked lunch or a chilled refreshment aboard a yacht as it sails gracefully across Table Bay before the breeze, which way would you lean? Add to that our popular Coastal Cruises that give locals and tourists alike a sailor’s eye-view of the amazing Cape Town shoreline and you get the picture: Waterfront Charters choices are seemingly endless. Did we mention Harbour Tours? Ocean Safaris? Clifton Yacht Parties? Yup, they are all there. Our add-on options are multi-faceted too. With everything from combining your cruise with a motorcycle tour of Cape Town to adding a dedicated marine biologist to your cruise; top DJ’s to add bespoke sounds to your private party, or pairing your vessels (a speedboat accompanying a luxurious catamaran is a perfect example – what a way to see Clifton!), if you can dream it, we’ll do with you. For the romantics out there we recommend our amazing Cruise and Dine option too: follow your relaxing Atlantic cruise with a superb meal at a choice of three top V&A restaurants. It’s an evening (or lunchtime, depending on your desires) that will be long remembered by you and your starry-eyed partner.

Cruise & Dine Dinner Add-on
As the holidays slowly meander towards a close, here’s a reminder that the best possible gift for any occasion is a Waterfront Charters cruise. They are all viewable in the website; we recommend a long, leisurely browse through all the options. There are always special events in our world too: like our unique Clifton Yacht Party held on the 29th December in conjunction with international party specialists Pacha and co-sponsors Grey Goose Vodka. Missed that one? More Clifton parties coming up! Don’t miss out again. The Cape to Rio Yacht races head off on the 4th and 11th of January too: check for the Waterfront Charters action on these days – we may not be racing to Rio, but we’ll give you all the sights, sounds and excitement of the event as we cruise close to the departing yachts in Table Bay.
One thing we do know is that those who have experienced our hospitality invariably return to relive the pleasure: with seven boats and innumerable options we offer a cornucopia of cruising delights! Once again: Happy New Year to you all, and at Waterfront Charters we look forward to making it even more special for you. See you soon!